(323) 333-4645

Los Angeles Enforcement of Support Orders Attorney


If you are due child support or spousal support payments and have not been receiving them, you need to act quickly in order to enforce the terms of your agreement. A qualified California family law attorney will be able to present the facts of the case to a family court judge. The judge can issue a contempt of court against the other party, and that person could face possible jail time if the situation is not rectified. Skolnick Family Law can help you navigate this process quickly and easily. While child support and spousal support payments being missed are the most common reason to seek enforcement, there are others as well.

 Failure to maintain health insurance as ordered by court
 Refusal to disclose assets
 Failure to pay off marital debts as ordered by court

You are legally entitled to the support that has been decided on by a judge in a divorce proceeding. If you are not receiving that money, or it is coming late, you need to take action to defend your rights. Call Jennifer Skolnick today to receive a free consultation into the specifics of your case. Skolnick Family Law would be proud to represent you and make sure that all of your rights and best interests are protected.